Impacts on Partners and Households – Christine


Christine worries that she is often too sore to welcome physical contact from her husband.


Well if my husband, yeah, because my body hurts – so if he goes to hug me or something – and I go, “Ow, don’t.” And in the moment what you hear is your spouse telling you to get off you and that’s not – that’s not healthy. And so that kind of just naturally progressed to, “I don’t know what part of you is sore today, so I just don’t come around, don’t hug you, don’t put my arm around you or something, because I don’t know what I’m going to hurt.” So that – and that’s something that – that’s a good question because no-one’s ever asked me that question and I never really thought about it. But that’s kind of a passive but huge problem, because if you gradually start doing that it becomes habit. And it’s for good. He’s doing it not out of anything malicious but I mean, normally when people do that it’s because they’re pulling apart. And that, I would say that, yeah, that has been a problem a little bit. And he’s not the most talkative knife in the drawer. [Laughter] So it’s not like we can have a big conversation about it. And even if I did, he’d probably go, “Wow. Overanalyze much?” So, but yeah, that’s, yeah I never thought of it that way.

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